Payment & Billing Policy

Fashion Mesh currently accepts: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal

    1) Our website and payment system completely secured by SSL. We don't collect payment important information.You can trust our secure process.

    2) There are no any hidden subscription costs, signup costs, or other hidden costs before purchase.

    Total cost for purchase products:

    Purchase Name Total Purchase Cost
    Product cost  Depends on the product selected value 
     Shipping cost Shipping cost £10 if the order value is in £50.00 

    After purchase products, you will get order invoice in your register email and we shall processing your products and we shall delivery the products in time. you can track the order also and u have to complete the payment by accepted payment system.

    Note: Customer may choose to purchase upgraded delivery and installation services for an additional cost. For a custom quote, please call +44 7915 606803